Creating Christmas Magic: Swarovski Reindeer Display at Minki Balinki

1 min read
Apr 8, 2024

Minki Balinki loved creating a stunning Christmas display at their head office in Innsbrook , and the highlight was undoubtedly the magnificent Reindeer adorned with 3m antlers encrusted with Swarovski crystals. Taking on the commission with enthusiasm, they meticulously crafted the deer using high-density foam and a metal armature to support the impressive antlers. Each Swarovski crystal was carefully placed, adding a touch of glamour and sparkle to the festive creation. As the deer was elegantly positioned on a bed of 100,000 crystals, complemented by a crystal curtain backdrop and enchanting mood lighting, it truly became a sight to behold. The attention to detail and craftsmanship showcased in this display exemplifies the passion and dedication of the Minki Balinki team in bringing their animal creations to life.

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