Levis - Craft Workers

1 min read
May 11, 2024

Levi's team collaborated closely with Karren Langley from Dazed & Confused to embark on a mission to discover the hidden gems among London's talented craftspeople. After a meticulous search, they unearthed 18 individuals with captivating stories and distinctive appearances. This diverse group encompassed a wide spectrum of crafts, ranging from musicians and painters to film directors and cake makers, showcasing the vibrant tapestry of contemporary creativity in the city.

Tasked with the challenge of creating a cohesive format for showcasing these artisans, Minki Balinki set out to capture their essence through portraits taken by the talented photographer Dean Chalkley. Each artisan was paired with a featured item that symbolized their unique craft, adding an extra layer of depth to their individual stories. The culmination of this collaboration resulted in an awe-inspiring installation at Levi's London flagship store, where large box frames proudly displayed double-sided portraits of each artisan.

The plinths, crafted from white-washed marine ply with perspex boxes, elegantly showcased the pieces created by each artist. A raised mounted printed perspex panel with the artist's statement added a personal touch to their displays. To further immerse visitors in the world of these craftspeople, each artist was recorded, and their stories played through branded Levi's headphones placed on each plinth. The combination of visual and auditory elements created a multi-sensory experience that celebrated the talent and creativity of London's artisans in a truly impactful way.

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