Selfridges - Thecnocolourology

1 min read
May 9, 2024

Embracing colour unapologetically the in house design team @Selfridges created a completely bonkers window run on Oxford Street. Each window had a totally different and unique look. 

The design team at Selfridges truly pushed the boundaries of creativity with this window display on Oxford Street. Envision oversized clouds crafted from luxurious white fur, floating effortlessly in the window, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. Picture a gigantic apple, wrapped in vibrant pink lycra, adorned with orangutan arms and whimsical Mickey Mouse-inspired hands, adding a playful touch to the display. As you gaze further, you'll be mesmerized by the sight of hundreds of meters of rainbow-colored worms, intertwining and creating a mesmerizing spaghetti-like backdrop for the mannequins on display.

But the creativity didn't stop there - imagine  Salvador Dali lips, evoking a sense of surrealism and intrigue, alongside massive rocks reminiscent of Stonehenge, meticulously covered in thick felt. Each element in the window display was meticulously designed to captivate and inspire, showcasing a bold and unapologetic embrace of colour and whimsy. Selfridges' window display truly stood out as a visual feast for the eyes, inviting passersby to step into a world where imagination knows no bounds.

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